Saturday, September 11, 2010

This Blog Will Be Updated Every Day

...until I stop updating it.

Back in the day, I was a member of a PBeM (play-by-e-mail) group and I set myself a challenge - that I would attempt to make a post once a day. Some of the posts were very good, but there were some days when I could only post a couple of paragraphs. No matter. I managed to post every single day for 31 days.

I'm going to set myself the goal of posting every single day. There are some days where this might not be possible - vacations, emergencies and the like. But I'll post every single day even though some posts might not be much bigger than a grocery receipt. As Adam Cadre said, the reason he kept a diary was to make sure that he was not merely experiencing events, but thinking about them. This might not be a valid theory, but I'll give it a go.

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