Sunday, January 27, 2008

Third Person

Reading: "Turnabout Confusion"

As it turns out, two events converged rather nicely this Sunday morning. First, an attack of pruritis that broke my sleep schedule -- the clock reads 3:22 am. Second, the PPMB was up for the staggeringly brief amount of time that allowed me to read the next three sections of "Turnaround Confusion".

(* * *)

We've now moved to the third day of The Big Bet. Quinn, for whatever reason, has decided not to come crawling to Daria on her knees and say, do the dishes for a month. Helen tries to interrogate Quinn, noticing Quinn's change to a dowdier form of sleepwear. However, Jake's ineptitude at putting on pants distracts Helen and she cannot continue the conversation -- but she plans on getting to the bottom of things.

At LHS, Jodie figures that Daria's new look implies that Daria might give school activities a chance. Nothing doing. Daria seems as cynical as ever.

Meanwhile, a whole universe of plotting circles around Quinn and Daria. "Cheerleader Dawn" plots to have Brittany spread a rumor (the ultimate carrier, since Brittany loves spreading rumors but never remembers who told her anything) that Sandi wants to restart the Fashion Club with all-new members, hoping to drive a wedge between Sandi and the two remaning members. Dawn also hopes to have the Drama Club ask Daria to join, as security against Daria joining the Fashion Club. Brooke and Tori have a different plan to ensure that Quinn never returns to her former peak of popularity.

Among the LHS boys, Corey and Zachary post-mortem their respective dates with Daria. Corey is disappointed -- Daria didn't talk, only listen -- and they didn't go anywhere particularly special. On the whole, however, Corey considers the date a plus. He didn't have to spend as much money on Daria (versus, say, Quinn) and he at least got to kiss Daria, whereas Quinn doesn't even like holding hands.

Zachary, however, remains closed-mouthed as to how his date went. Of course, this sparks much curiousity regarding Daria among the guys....

(* * *)

It's interesting (if not necessarily compelling) reading about this sort of "bizarro universe" where cliques and popularity games have reached levels rivaled by, oh, say, the courtiers of the Byzantine Empire. I suspect you really are going to need a scorecard after a few chapters of this just to keep track of all the pieces on the board. Hopefully, Dennis might remind his readers in future chapters of what's going on, just so they don't lose the thread. (Maybe a Dariawiki entry, perhaps?)

"Turnabout Confusion" is a frustrating read. Part of the reason is that in the omnipotent narrator (third person) readers have complete access to what's going on through a God's-eye view. The omnipotent narrator can state what's happening off-screen, how the characters are feeling, who did what to whom, the whole works. In the case of "Turnaround Confusion", however, Daria and Quinn's inner dialogues are absent. They are mere chesspieces moving across the board. We observe how Daria and Quinn react, and what they say, but we get no sense of what they're thinking.

This leaves the reader in the same situation as Cheerleader Dawn, Corey, et. al. The reader is merely left to speculate, and in the case of Daria's date with Corey, we only get second-hand information. (Zach, the bastard, refuses to talk.) If motives are going to be assigned to anyone, the reader will be forced to put on an overcoat and play Columbo, looking for the sparce clues and constructing an inner narrative out of scraps. On the other can't say that Dennis isn't following the rule of "show, don't tell".

Speaking of "show, don't tell" Dennis committing any of Twain's Literary Offenses? Maybe #3, in the sense that Daria and Quinn really aren't "alive" but are reduced to objects of speculation. Or perhaps #18, in that the "observing from third person" isn't really a straightforward style.

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around what I've read. Do I like the style? Do I find it aggravating? No and yes, because I find it frustrating not knowing more.

Did Dennis deliberately create this style or was it a happy accident? Can't answer that one. You'd have to talk to Dennis.

Do I plan on stealing this style for work of my own? Well, like Zach, my lips are sealed. But you might catch a hint of a smile....

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