Monday, December 31, 2007
I Prefer the Reid's "My Friend" Knuckle-Duster Myself
Finished reading: AD8
We have now come to the end of 2007 and are at the precipice of 2008. Very strange that the show celebrated its 10th anniversary this year and that the character celebrated her 14th -- remember, she was initially a character on "Beavis and Butt-Head" which debuted in 1993.
Therefore, it's time for some brief New Year's Resolutions:
1. To not say a damned thing about the United States 2008 presidential elections.
2. To stay off the message boards as much as possible.
3. Lose some weight, dammit.
4. Continue to reduce debt. I just keep telling myself, "Canada, July 2012."
5. Pass my professional exams.
6. Continue to read fanfiction, good and bad.
7. Writing about something other than "Daria" for God's sake.
8. Seek out new experiences -- and possibly, new life and new civilizations.
9. Try to avoid seeing movies that have a number at the end.
10. Go Braves.
(* * *)
Unfortunately, for those looking for powerful, trenchant commentary ("CINCGREEN, why start now?"), you won't find it today. It appears that AD8 is simply a wrapping up of threads and a post-mortem.
There's not much to say about AD8 -- which could have frankly been skipped as the plot isn't moved forward. I only have three comments on AD8.
1. I found it rather interesting that the shooting of two people hasn't bothered Daria much, but her near-rape continues to affect her. I wonder if Doggieboy tossed a bone to those complaining about Daria's lack of self-reflection; in any case I enjoyed the fact that some things bothered Daria but not others.
2. How does Jane even know that a rifle is a .30-06? By sight? By trying to match the shell casings? What I'm hoping is that there's a big book somewhere in Robert Ford's office (I know that's not his name, but I like singing "that dirty little coward/who shot Mr. Howard/has laid poor Jesse in his grave") that provides some guidance to Daria and Jane. When you pick up a weapon that you've never fired, loading it can be cryptic, until you figure out where the secret latches/levers/whatever are. Then it's rather simple. Look at all the low IQ "gun nuts" who can shoot. If they can, you can too.
(BTW: Does anyone out there really hate parts of fanfic where they begin to explain the minutiae and obscuria of the latest weapons/jimcrack? It really slows the story to a dead crawl. "No, I don't give a damn that the weapon was manufactured in Bulgaria. Get to the story!")
3. Okay. You have three dead bodies in the yard. It's true that they might not deserve a burial, but you'd better get them out of there before the feral wolves come -- or someone comes along and decides to fight it out with Daria and Jane. After all, the house might have a lot of goodies in it if three guys died trying to get in!
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A Pogues reference in a Daria review is always welcome! :-)
Fics that seem obsessed with technical details and minutia annoy me too. A lot of them fall under the category of "Encyclopedia Daria", where Daria seems to know everything about everything (Lawndale Stalker is the most obvious perpetrator of this). I don't see Daria as really caring about accumulating trivia this way. Daria has books smarts certainly, but not street smarts; even though she is always reading in the show, her books are almost always either literature or philosophy. The likelihood of Daria having exhaustive knowledge of survival skills or some other non-academic topic is actually pretty low, in my opinion.
As much as I appreciate praise (and I got it for the wrong reasons, sometimes), I also appreciate constructive criticism. Your insights are appreciated and I thank you.
If it seems that I made up the story as I went first, I did. I tried to avoid the "Encyclopedia Daria" persona as best I could. I like to think I succeeded, at least somewhat.
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